Friday 22 April 2011

Dress up drama

Recently I have been on a mission.  A mission that has consumed almost all my free time be it at home (online) or out on the streets.  My mission was to find the perfect outfit to wear to a friend's wedding in May. 

I don't have much experience with weddings.  Whilst I can easily throw together an outfit for almost any occasion I really struggle with weddings.  Am I too dressy?  To casual?  Are the colours suitable for the season?  Arghh!!!  Its a minefield!  I thought it would help to have an idea of what I wanted before I began to shop so decided to go for a maxi.  Over the last 4 weeks I have discovered that whislt I can pull off a day time casual maxi, I just don't suit the more glam styles.  These were my two favourites -

Ted Baker                                                                                                      Hobbs

Tried em both on, both looked awful! 

I finally found a maxi skirt I loved in Topshop, I think I loved it so blindly that I didn't realise how awful it looked on me.  It went back to the shop.  It was at this point that my other half suggested I stop the maxi hunt and go with something more "me", i.e. 50s prom style.  So I did and found the most lovely dress in Laura Ashley, it fits like a dream but is also a little different with its kooky postcard print. 

So the mission is complete and I can't wait for the wedding! 

A worrying thing I noticed with all the trying on of clothes though was a large amount of lovely brand new clothes with nasty orange rings around the necks.  With spring (summer!) upon us all the lovely white and pastel colours are being tainted with Tango-ed make up stains from people who have tried them on.  I'm blaming these people who I stumbled across on the telly the other night

Girls (and boy on the left) you'll look a lot more beautiful without all the fake tan and foundation!