Sunday 13 February 2011

a grey & drizzly day in February


This is my first ever post on my first ever blog.  I've been meaning to start a blog for ages but never got round to it...however I've found myself with not much to do at all today, what with trying to save money and the weather just being pretty bleurgh, so I have finally got round to it. 

January is usually pretty rubbish but I quite like February as it has the Brit awards, pancake day and my birthday.  Plus its a short month so payday is never far away, however it seems to be a continuation of January so far, a fact which I'm mostly putting down to the weather and the rubbish cold I've had all week (on my birthday too, how rude!).  And today I found out that pancake day falls in March this year, rubbish! 

So to try and perk the month up yesterday I baked a Guinness cake.  I've never made one before but using Nigella's melting method recipe it was quite easy.  Until it came to putting the mixture in the cake tin, too late I realised my tin wasn't deep enough so it ended up splurging over the edges rather than rising properly, oh well!  It tastes delish though, will definitley do another one once the correct size tin has been purchased, its the perfect cake for St Patrick's day. 

Something else which brightens up these grey days and conjours up images of summer is this gorgeous Prada alike beach scene dress.  Its been floating around in magazines and on fashion blogs for a while now but a couple of weeks ago it finally appeared in stores.  I genuinely thought it was designer when I first saw a pic of it but no, its Primark!  Its the cutest little dress for only £17, I can't wait for summer so have been layering long sleeves under it and a chunky navy cardie over it.  Loveliness. 
(look its lovely Jade from BNTM modelling it too!) 


  1. What's in the cake? And what's the icing made out of?? It looks so tasty! I want some...

  2. A bottle of Guinness! And some cocoa, and a lot of sugar! Icing is soft cheese, icing sugar and double cream. This cake is very naughty, I'm going to have to do double the swimming to burn it off this week!
