Wednesday 11 May 2011

this old thing...

I found a dress that I've not worn for ages in my wardrobe this morning, so decided to fling it on for work.  But then I got loads of compliments on it so thought I would share with the blogging world...

I got it about 4 years ago, its a Laura Lees for Topshop design.  I loved the Laura Lees collection and bought quite a lot of the dresses that she did for Topshop.  They were always a mix of pretty prints with quirky embroidery, and cut beautifully.  This dress is a classic example of Laura Lees. 

I also managed to get a beautiful dress from her mainline collection at a bargain price on Ebay but its never fitted me :(  Seems her Topshop sizing is a lot more generous than the mainline collection! 

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