Saturday 5 May 2012

Its been nearly I year since I last did a blog post, very rubbish of me!  I just wasn't inspired to write anything and then things got busy...I got engaged in December and by April I was married!  I loved planning our wedding so much, and I loved the actual day as well.  But a month on (yes its our 1 month wedding anniversary already!) I'm resolving to start writing again.  Probably mostly about fashion, with other bits of pop culture thrown.  

Today its cold and grey again, not very May like.  So my mind has been day dreaming about summer and the impending Jubilee celebrations.  I happened upon the perfect dress for the day 
Hobbs Flag Tie Dress £39 

Its like wearing a string of bunting!  Its one of last summer's designs so its on the outlet part of the Hobbs website reduced from £99 to £39, bargain!  If only the weather was warm enough to wear it...

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